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The vice presidents

The vice presidents

The vice presidents for Scientific Affairs
In accordance with the terms of reference and terms of reference granted by the regulations governing the organizational structure of Libyan universities promulgated by Decree No. 22 of 2008, the terms of reference of the Vice-President for Scientific Affairs are as follows:

1- Study methods of performance development and scientific and study programs and plans in scientific departments.
2- To submit specialized scientific studies to expand and open up modern disciplines in accordance with the needs of society. To approve and follow up on proposals for acceptable numbers in accredited colleges, in accordance with the potential and needs of society.
3- Direct supervision of books and references needed by colleges to facilitate the educational process in coordination with the University’s Central Library.
4- Direct supervision of associated units and departments.
5- Make proposals to develop the academic work of the Rector and develop plans for its work.
6- Identification of needs for faculty, technicians, teaching assistants, headquarters, laboratory and educational equipment.

The Vice-Chancellor for Scientific Affairs is followed by the following departments and offices:
Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training, followed by the following offices:

a) Office of Postgraduate Studies.
b) Training Office.
c) Office of Teaching Assistants.
d) Office of the Secretary-General

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