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Examining the Plan to Resume Classes


This Sunday morning, a meeting was held in the meeting hall of the Medical Colleges Complex, with the presence of Dr. Azzeddine Aldersey, the President of Benghazi University. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Abdelkarim Al-Ghazali, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, and Dr. Mohamed Bouamoud, the Director of the Office of Graduate Studies and Teaching Assistants, to discuss the plan submitted by Dr. Fatima Alfalah, the Director of the Quality Management Department at the University, in order to resume classes next month. 


اخبار واعلانات ذات صلة

السادة المراجعين

السادة المراجعين

يُعلن مَكتب الكَاتب العَام بِالجامعة، للسّادة المُراجعين، بِأن المُراجعة سَتكون يَومي "الإِثنين والخَميس" مِن كُل أُسبوع، وَلن يَتم استِلام وتَسليم البَريد إِلا عَن طَريق المَحفوظات...

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