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Subcommittee on Bioethics for Scientific Research

The Sub-Committee for Biological Ethics at Benghazi University was established based on a letter from the National Committee for Biosafety and Biological Ethics of the Libyan Authority for Scientific Research dated 13/01/3202. This establishment was also in accordance with the decision of the President of Benghazi University, Mr. (396) for the year 2023, regarding the formation of a committee to review scientific research from ethical perspectives and grant approval to commence research in accordance with the standards, requirements, and instructions outlined in the Biological Ethics Guidelines document approved by the National Committee for Biosafety and Biological Ethics in 2022. Furthermore, it marks the commencement of issuing the national code representing the university in the standardized numbering of ethical approvals in research classification, as approved by the National Committee.

The operational mechanism of the sub-committee.
Due to the tremendous progress that has occurred in the field of medical and biological research, many ethical issues and dilemmas have emerged, especially those related to research involving humans and the environment. This necessitated the establishment of conditions and regulations to regulate and improve their conduct. Therefore, the work of the sub-committee for biological ethics is committed to applying the highest principles and values of ethics, which are based on neutrality and independence to protect scientific research and prevent harm to living organisms and the environment. These principles aim to achieve the greatest benefit in research and scientific studies and enhance their value in the scientific and social spheres. Therefore, the sub-committee hopes that the members engaged in scientific studies and research seeking ethical approval for their studies and scientific research, whether conducted on humans, laboratory animals, plants, or microorganisms, will kindly review and comply with all the requirements outlined in the Biological Ethics Guidelines document mentioned on the committee’s website before applying for ethical approval.

First: Procedures for applying to obtain ethical approval:

–  Access the link to the committee’s website provided on the university’s website, which includes the required forms for submission (

The appropriate form for the study is filled out and sent via email to the sub-committee as indicated on the official university website  ([email protected]).

– Attach a copy of the research protocol or study, outlining the study methodology, target population, as well as information about the nature of the research sample, approximate size, sampling method, location, storage, and disposal procedures at the end of the study.

Second: Procedures of the sub-committee for granting ethical approval:

–  The documents that meet the conditions are received either by the committee chair or through the email address of the committee as stated on the official university website. The committee secretary assigns numbers to the research or studies according to the standardized national numbering mechanism approved by the National Committee for Biosafety and Biological Ethics – Libyan Authority for Scientific Research.

–  The researcher is notified of the receipt of their application and all accompanying documents that meet the conditions by the committee chair in an official correspondence. In case of any deficiencies, the researcher is informed to provide them to proceed with the evaluation process.

–  The research or studies are distributed to all committee members for review from ethical, biosafety, and biosecurity perspectives according to the guidelines approved by the National Committee.

– The principal researcher is notified of the final outcome, whether approval or rejection (with reasons provided), by the committee chair on the final decision form prepared by the committee for this purpose.

–  If ethical approval is not granted in the first instance, the applicant has the right to reapply after addressing the committee’s feedback, which was highlighted in the initial final decision form issued by the sub-committee chair.

Studies and scientific research exempted from obtaining ethical approval:

Although some research studies are exempt from obtaining ethical approval, researchers still need to obtain approvals from the Sub-Committee for Biological Ethics Administration for the relevant research. Researchers must adhere to the general conditions of responsible scientific research, including maintaining the confidentiality of information and not using it for purposes other than study and scientific research. These conditions include:

1- Studies and scientific research conducted on data from educational, healthcare institutions, and others, involving routine educational activities, such as educational strategies, activities related to special education, the effectiveness of teaching methods, scientific research, and comparison of teaching methods, curricula, classroom management methods, or classrooms.

2-  Studies and scientific research that evaluate administrative, academic, healthcare, or institutional services and are not related to personal identifiable information or living organisms.

3-  Studies and research that rely on data, documents, or records available to the public or owned by the researcher, and cannot identify or disclose their owners.

Studies and scientific research requiring ethical approval:


1-  Studies and scientific research involving the collection of data or samples from patients or volunteers (not falling under the first or second categories above, whether all or some of the research team members are Libyans or non-Libyans).

2- Studies and scientific research conducted on the Libyan community or its individuals (not falling under the first or second categories above), such as studies and research involving data collection through interviews or questionnaire surveys without any surgical or medical intervention on the body or without other procedures such as obtaining human samples (including all types of body fluids and tissues). 

3- Studies and scientific research conducted on all types of laboratory experimental animals, plants, and microorganisms, whether all or some of the research team members are Libyans or non-Libyans.

The Sub-Committee for Bioethical Aspects of Scientific Research
  • Dr. Mohammed Mohammed Mustafa Boumedine (Chairman)
  • Dr. Ismail Hussain Mohammed Bouzakouk (Member)
  • Dr. Younes Ali Al-Tayeb Abdelkader (Member)
  • Dr. Salah Mansour Bin Issa Bregith (Member)
  • Dr. Juma Musa Khalifa Al-Arfi (Member)
  • Mr. Suleiman Faraj Bourqieh (Committee Rapporteur)

Samples and documents of the Subcommittee for Biological Ethics

Committee Activities

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