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Activity Management Meeting: Unveiling the Second Half of 2024 Plan and Benghazi University’s Participation in Cultural Festivals


Activity Management Meeting: Unveiling the Second Half of 2024 Plan and Benghazi University’s Participation in Cultural Festivals

Today, the University Vice President for Student Affairs, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Farjani, met with the Director of the Activity Management, Engineer Wanes Al-Riqas, to reveal the plan for the second half of 2024. Engineer Wanes confirmed that there are surprises to be announced at the appropriate time. The initiation of the Reconstruction Race and the University Quran Competition was discussed and scheduled to start after Eid al-Adha. Additionally, Benghazi University announced its participation in the Benghazi Capital of Islamic Culture Festival, which will host numerous events such as the International Arab Theater, the Folk Poetry and Equestrian Festival, and the Innovation and Scientific Excellence Exhibition.

Moreover, the management will continue organizing internal sports and cultural activities, including the second phase of the Medical Colleges League, the Ground Tennis Championship, the Chess Championship, and the Table Tennis Championship. There is also great anticipation for participation in the Electronic Games League.

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