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The Libyan University is the former name of the first Libyan university established in Benghazi by the Establishment of the University Law on Thursday, 15 December 1955, immediately after the independence of Libya.
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University of Benghazi
University of Benghazi
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Engineering Exhibition 101 Team Presents the Final Preparations to the President of the University of Benghazi
The Engineering Exhibition Team 101 reviewed the final preparations for the Engineering Exhibition, organized by a group of outstanding students from the Faculty of Engineering. The event is scheduled to begin on February 15th. The review session was attended by the...
Strengthening Academic Collaboration Between the University of Benghazi and the University of Ajdabiya
Professor Abdul Kareem Al-Ghazzal, Vice President for Scientific Affairs at the University of Benghazi, met with Dr. Huda Bokhmada, Vice President for Scientific Affairs at the University of Ajdabiya, as part of the ongoing mutual collaboration between the two...
A formal meeting was held between the President of the University of Benghazi and Roya Foundation for Digital Development
Today, a formal meeting was held between the President of the University of Benghazi, Dr. Eiz Eldeen Aldressi, and the Roya Foundation for Digital Development, led by Dr. Oqba Khalifa Haftar, alongside the foundation’s representative in the governmental institutions...
The President of the University of Benghazi Welcomes Chevening Scholar winner “Khawod” and Invites Her to Join the university as a faculty member
This morning, the President of the University of Benghazi, Dr. Eiz Eldeen Al-Dressi, welcomed Khawod Ramadan, a graduate of the Faculty of Languages, who has achieved a remarkable milestone by earning a master’s degree from Lancaster University through the prestigious...
وزير التعليم العالي يلتقي باحثين من جامعة بنغازي وجامعات أخرى بالمنطقة الشرقية لبحث تعزيز البحث العلمي
أكد وزير التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي ، الأستاذ مهدي السعيطي، على أهمية تشجيع البحث العلمي ودعم الباحثين الليبيين. جاء ذلك خلال لقائه اليوم الاثنين بعدد من الباحثين من جامعة بنغازي والمؤسسات التعليمية الأخرى بالمنطقة الشرقية. وخلال اللقاء، استمع الوزير إلى شرح مفصل...
The first meeting of 2024 for the administrative office directors of The University of Benghazi complex in Al-Marj.
A significant meeting was held for the administrative office directors of the Benghazi University branch in Marj at the Faculty of Physical Education. The attendees included: - Mr. Aqila Al-Dar'ani, Director of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Office at the...
The Hult Prize organizing team has been nominated for the “Best On-Campus Program in the Arab World” award.
The organizational team for the Hult Prize competition at Benghazi University, affiliated with the university’s business incubator, has been nominated for the "Best On-Campus Program in the Arab World" award. This nomination follows their successful organization of...
A training course on the basics of photography has been launched with the participation of The photographer Akram Al-Sahli.
The Media Center and Teamwork Group announced the launch of a special training course on the basics of photography, hosted by the creative photographer Akram Al-Sahli. The course targeted students of Benghazi University and photography enthusiasts. The course was held...
Conclusion of the “Comprehensive Russian Language Dictation” event in collaboration with the Russian Embassy at The University of Benghazi.
Today, Monday, the closing ceremony of the "Comprehensive Russian Language Dictation" event was held at Benghazi University in collaboration with the Russian Embassy in Libya. Special thanks were extended to the university president, Professor Dr. Azeddine Darsi, for...

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