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Student Activity Management

The Department of Student Activity is responsible for preparing plans for student activities in the cultural, literary, artistic and sports fields and organizing festivals, camps, exhibitions, competitions and university days.
• The formation and sponsorship of teams in various fields with a view to discovering and refining talents, promoting team spirit and teamwork, and supporting positive competition and excellence, thus giving added value to university educational attainment. The Department exercises its competencies through the following offices:

a- The Student Cultural Activity Library is responsible for:

Preparation and presentation of plans for student cultural activity at the University.
• Preparation of timetables for the implementation of approved plans taking into account study schedules, examinations and holidays.
• Design, distribution, unloading and analysis of forms with a view to identifying, nurturing and encouraging talents in various literary, cultural and artistic fields.
• Organization of cultural, literary and artistic festivals with the participation of faculties at the University and other national universities
• Organizing technical fellowships for talented students and faculty in various technical fields.
The formation of theatrical, lyrical, musical, heritage and familiar groups and the organization of mass performances for these groups.
• Participation in university days and camps with artistic performances and cultural and intellectual competitions.
• Organizing intellectual, literary and cultural competitions in the fields of novels, short stories, poetry, essays, scientific papers, etc., and distributing appreciation prizes to the winners.
• The revival of religious and national events through the organization of literary, cultural and artistic activities in coordination with the relevant units.
• Proposing and organizing participation in literary, cultural and artistic forums among universities at the regional and international levels
• Proposal to print, publish and distribute works distinguished by cultural competitions, festivals and artistic performances.
• Preparation of periodic reports on the activity of the Office.
• Other similar work assigned to the Office.

b- The Student Sports Activity Library is responsible for:
• Preparation of presentations of plans for student sports activities at the University.
• Preparation of timetables for the implementation of approved plans taking into account study schedules, examinations and holidays.
• Design, distribution, unloading and analysis of forms with a view to identifying, nurturing and encouraging talent in various fields of sport.
• Organizing festivals and competitions with the participation of university colleges and universities.
• Forming teams in various sports, assigning trainers to organize them, refining the skills of their members and providing them with the necessary sports clothing and equipment.
• Organization of various sports leagues and distribution of appreciation prizes to the winners.
• The revival of religious and national events through the organization of sports events.
• To propose and organize university days, camps and associated activities.
• To propose and organize participation in inter-university sports forums at the regional and international levels.
• Preparation of periodic reports on the activity of the Office.
• Other similar work assigned to the Office.

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