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Faculty members from Benghazi University participate in a seminar on migration governance between security and development approaches in the Mediterranean.


Faculty members from Benghazi University participated in a scientific seminar on irregular migration titled “Migration Governance between Security and Development Approaches in the Mediterranean.” The seminar was held at the invitation of the State Minister for Illegal Migration Affairs and the Director of the African Research and Studies Center.

Professor Adel Al-Sharksi presented a scientific paper titled “Irregular Migration: Numbers and Indicators,” in which he discussed the numbers and statistics related to irregular migration. Dr. Mahmoud Mohammed Al-Werfali presented a scientific paper titled “The Impacts of Irregular Migration on the Healthcare Systems of Mediterranean Basin Countries: A Case Study of Libya.” Dr. Ghazia Shuaityer presented a research paper titled “National Laws between Security and Development Approaches.”

This scientific seminar serves as a prelude to participation in the upcoming European-African International Conference organized by the ministry, scheduled to be held at the end of next May. This participation comes as part of the university’s efforts and the faculty members’ commitment to exchanging knowledge and conducting scientific research on issues related to irregular migration and its implications at the regional and international levels.

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